Website Resources
1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccine Information Statements
Provide possible health consequences of non-vaccination and possible side effects of each vaccine.
2. AAP Childhood Immunization Support Program (CISP)
Information for providers and parents.
3. Why Immunize?
A description of the individual diseases and the benefits expected from vaccination.
4. Pennsylvania Immunization Education Program of Pennsylvania Chapter, AAP
Includes answers to common vaccine questions and topics, such as addressing vaccine safety concerns; evaluating anti-vaccine claims; sources of accurate immunization information on the Web; and talking with parents about vaccine safety.
5. CDC For Parents: Vaccines for Your Children
Information about vaccine safety.
6. National Network for Immunization Information (NNii)
Includes information to help answer patients’ questions and provide the facts about immunizations.
7. Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Information for parents includes “Vaccine Safety FAQs” and “A Look at Each Vaccine.”
8. Institute for Vaccine Safety, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Provides an independent assessment of vaccines and vaccine safety to help guide decision-makers and educate physicians, the public, and the media about key issues surrounding the safety of vaccines.
9. Immunize Canada
Immunize Canada aims to meet the goal of eliminating vaccine-preventable diseases through education, promotion, advocacy, and media relations. It includes resources for parents and providers.
10. Vaccinate Your Baby
This Every Child By Two site serves as a central resource of vaccine information for parents. The site links to the latest research and studies about vaccines, an interactive timeline on the benefits of vaccines, information about vaccine safety and ingredients, and the importance of adhering to the recommended schedule.